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Patient Information

Patient FAQs

We recommend more frequent treatments early on in the treatment phase (2x per week). As your diagnosis and treatment plan are refined, you can reduce it down to once or twice a month. We always recommend if you have a change in your health condition to let us know, in case we need to see you sooner.

With good participation in the treatment plan, most patients will start noticing improvement in overall health and well-being within the first 2-3 months. Dr. Cherian recommends committing at least 6 months to the treatment program to fully assess whether or not Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine will be helpful for your condition.

Dr. Cherian provides a very individualized and custom-tailored treatment program for each and every patient. In order to give each patient the time they need and the highest quality of care we do not accept any insurances. Our goal is to make sure the health benefits we provide are well worth it for our patients.

Patient Consent Form

If you would like to print and sign the documents, please download the consent form here.

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