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Acupuncture For Fibromyalgia In Houston TX
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How Acupuncture Can Help with Fibromyalgia

Acupuncture has been used for fibromyalgia and other pain conditions for centuries. Medical researchers have taken notice as there are many well-designed medical studies dedicated to acupuncture’s efficacy in pain disorders.

These studies generally point in an encouraging direction, and though more research is needed on fibromyalgia and acupuncture, the existing medical literature is positive, indicating that the therapy can improve symptoms in some patients.

How Can Acupuncture Help Reduce Pain for Fibromyalgia Patients?

Research into acupuncture confirms what Chinese medicine practitioners have known for thousands of years – that acupuncture has systemic, whole-body effects on the patient. Acupuncture influences multiple bodily systems, and this can improve fibromyalgia symptoms in several ways. This includes:

  • Modulating the HPA axis – The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is responsible for regulating the body’s stress response by maintaining communication between these three endocrine organs. During a stressful event, the HPA axis facilitates the release of various hormones to control heart rate, respiratory rate and mental awareness.

    In fibromyalgia patients, the HPA axis is dysfunctional, and typically underactive. This can interfere with proper pain signaling and amplify pain sensations as a result.

    Acupuncture helps restore homeostasis in the HPA axis and facilitate better organ regulation, by extension. When acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin, the resulting neurological stimulation drives better HPA regulation and can reduce the prevalence of overly sensitive pain signaling.

  • Releasing pain-relieving compounds – In addition to better stress response regulation, acupuncture treatments also trigger the release of various endogenous opioid compounds, which are the body’s natural painkillers. These compounds are produced and released by neurological structures throughout the body, including the spinal cord and parts of the brain stem. Acupuncture stimulates these areas, which brings additional pain-relieving compounds into the picture.

  • Reducing inflammation – Fibromyalgia is closely associated with chronic inflammation, and it’s possible there is a link between inflammation and symptoms. Acupuncture treatment can combat inflammation by releasing a mix of anti-inflammatory compounds into the blood. This includes a cocktail of endorphins (also an endogenous opioid), enkephalins and cytokines. Acupuncture also modulates cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone, and it downregulates compounds that cause inflammation, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF).

Reducing stress – Fibromyalgia episodes are often triggered by emotional distress, and there is a known link between emotional state and the likelihood of developing symptoms.

Controlling stress is a major part of managing fibromyalgia, and this is another benefit of acupuncture. During treatment, acupuncture puts the body into a relaxed state, partly due to the calming nature of treatment, and partly because treatment stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This part of the nervous system is responsible for bringing down heart and respiratory rates in low-stress settings, which is an ideal state for conditions worsened by stress.

Several studies show that acupuncture’s anxiety-relieving effects can persist in some patients for days following treatment, providing fibromyalgia patients with an extended buffer.

What Does the Medical Research Say About Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia?

Acupuncture has been the subject of a lot of medical literature involving pain conditions, and fibromyalgia is among them. Some of the studies and reviews that have provided encouraging results, include:


  • A 2006 study organized by the Mayo Clinic department of anesthesiology. This was a partially blinded, controlled study that involved two groups of 25 patients – a control group that did not receive acupuncture and an experimental group that did. Following the study, which tracked the patients for more than a year, the experimental group reported better symptom scores on the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Anxiety and fatigue symptoms were the most improved.

  • A 2021 review in the Brazilian Journal of Pain. This review sifted through a total of 194 relevant studies to identify high quality research for acupuncture and fibromyalgia. Ultimately, the research team identified seven well-designed and well-authored studies.

    After review, the researchers concluded that acupuncture could produce statistically significant benefits in many patients. In particular, the researchers noted increased binding potential in endogenous opioid receptors, meaning the pain-relieving receptors were more active. The researchers also noted improvements in anxiety, depression and insomnia symptoms.

Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia is Most Effective When Provided by a Knowledgeable Practitioner

There are numerous studies and case studies demonstrating a positive link between acupuncture treatment and fibromyalgia. As fibromyalgia is a systemic, highly individualized condition, physicians need all the tools they can get in helping their fibromyalgia patients.

Acupuncture is one of those tools and can provide pain relief, support better mental health and improve sleep quality. However, these results can only be reliably achieved if acupuncture is properly administered.

This is why it’s strongly recommended that fibromyalgia patients seek treatment through a certified acupuncturist who is also a board-certified physician. Thankfully, Houston has dual-certified physicians in the Houston area that are knowledgeable in allopathic western medicine and osteopathic Chinese medicine. Dual certification in both is beneficial to patients, as both medical philosophies complement each other well. This gives fibromyalgia patients access to the best treatment tools that West and East have to offer.

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