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Acupuncture For Erectile Dysfunction In Houston TX
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Acupuncture has been used in erectile dysfunction (ED) patients for centuries, to positive effect. The exact biological mechanisms underlying the treatment’s efficacy are still being researched, but initial studies are promising and offer some clues.

Acupuncture therapy is especially effective in men suffering from psychogenic – or psychological – ED. However, there are also reasons to believe that acupuncture can help improve some of the underlying physiological factors involved in the condition.

How Can Acupuncture Treatment Help with Erectile Dysfunction?

ED affects 14 percent of men between 18 and 31, according to a cross-sectional U.S. study, and it’s much more common in older men, with more than half of men between 40 and 70 suffering from erectile dysfunction. This means that there are millions of ED patients, and acupuncture may provide a solution for many of them.

Chinese medicine incorporates acupuncture in ED treatment (and in many other conditions) because of its significant whole-body effects. Together, these effects can support better overall health and include:

  • Better neurological signaling – When acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin, they stimulate local nerves and, as a result, distal neurological structures. Research shows that this process can stimulate parts of the brain that are associated with ED – effects that can clearly be seen on MRI imaging.

  • Better hormone expression – Many ED cases are associated with abnormal hormone levels. Steroids, prolactin, thyroid hormone and testosterone all influence male sexual health and can be involved in ED patients. Acupuncture has been shown to help maintain healthy levels of these important hormones.

  • Better circulation – Cardiovascular health is believed to play a primary role in how ED emerges and develops. In fact, ED is now considered a potential early sign for cardiovascular disease.

    Acupuncture treatments have shown to improve circulation by releasing vasodilators into the blood stream, with nitric oxide being the most notable example. This relaxes blood vessels and boosts circulatory efficiency, as a result. This may improve blood flow to the pelvis and offset ED symptoms.

  • Reduced anxiety and depression – Psychogenic ED is frequently driven by psychological issues like anxiety and depression. It’s an extremely common form of the condition and is responsible for about 40 percent of erectile dysfunction cases.

    Acupuncture is a known mood-improver, as patients consistently report reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms following treatment. This benefit is attributed to psychological and physiological factors.

What Does the Medical Research Say About Acupuncture and Erectile Dysfunction?

There aren’t many large studies detailing the effects of acupuncture on ED. However, the studies that do exist demonstrate promising results. Those studies include:

  • A March 2023 study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. This was a small, but informative study that looked at 14 psychogenic ED patients. The research team took fMRI scans of the patients before receiving acupuncture (specifically electroacupuncture) and after, then compared those MRI scans to a control group of men without ED.
  • The research team found that acupuncture treatment increased activity in parts of the brain associated with psychogenic ED. This included the right posterior cingulate cortex, the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the right supplementary motor area and left middle occipital gyrus. In short, acupuncture could help “reprogram” parts of the brain that are associated with sexual inhibition.

  • A 2022 review published in Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine. This review included four studies for a patient total of 70 – most of them suffering from psychogenic ED. The researchers found an impressive responsive rate from patients following several sessions of acupuncture.

    Specifically, more than half of the patients across the four studies reported improvement in symptoms. Some of the patients in control groups were allowed to receive actuarial acupuncture following placebo treatment and also reported positive results. Adverse effects were minimal.

    The researchers proposed several potential reasons for acupuncture’s benefits. They included changes in male hormone expression (testosterone, prolactin, estradiol), changes in local nerve sensitivity (the nerves connecting the penis to the spine), improved circulation and better hypothalamus regulation.

    Acupuncture is believed to access the hypothalamus through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis – a network of neurological structure and nerves connecting the three together. When this axis is hyperactive, it can produce depression symptoms in people, but acupuncture sessions can help correct them.

An Experienced Acupuncturist will optimize results
and minimize risk of side effects during ED treatment

ED is a challenging condition for men to live with and to treat. Medication can help some patients to an extent, but side effects are common, and efficacy is inconsistent. For men who aren’t attaining results with their current ED treatment regimen, acupuncture can be a worthwhile alternative.

Acupuncture, though, should only be administered by an experienced acupuncturist – ideally one who is also board certified in western allopathic medicine. Dual certification in western and Chinese medicine ensures your acupuncturist isn’t just an acupuncturist – but someone who can provide the best of both medical philosophies.

Further, a dual-certified physician will also administer acupuncture in a way that is safe and maximally effective. For example, a reputable acupuncturist will rely on sanitized, single-use acupuncture needles that minimize the risk of infection. Working with a licensed acupuncturist for erectile dysfunction means these patients can get help for their condition in a safe environment with a knowledgeable practitioner.

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