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Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts and San Leng

Most ovarian cysts are fluid-filled growths that develop on the surface of the ovaries. The vast majority of ovarian cysts are functional cysts, meaning they develop as a result of the menstrual cycle. There are other cysts unrelated to menstrual cycles, including ovarian cancer, but they are comparatively rare.

In most women, functional ovarian cysts produce minimal, if any, symptoms. However, some may experience complications from these cysts, including significant abdominal pain, potential internal bleeding, and even fertility problems.

There are treatments available for those suffering with ovarian cysts, including Chinese medicinal herbs like San Leng.

The Signs, Symptoms and Complications of Ovarian Cysts

Most women with ovarian cysts will not experience noticeable symptoms, but those that do may note the following:

  • Intermittent pelvic pain which may manifest as a dull ache or a sharp pain near the navel
  • Bloating or a feeling of fullness in the abdomen

Risk factors include age (ovarian cysts are more common in premenopausal women), pregnancy, and medical conditions that affect hormones like endometriosis.

Although most ovarian cysts resolve on their own, they can cause serious complications in some patients. Large cysts may push on the ovaries and twist them – a condition known as ovarian torsion. This can cause severe pain. Cyst ruptures are also possible, resulting in internal bleeding and pain.

In some women ovarian cysts can interfere with the reproductive organs enough to interrupt fertility.

How San Leng Can Help with Ovarian Cysts

Chinese medicine practitioners consider most ovarian cysts (and other growths) to be the result of obstruction. Specifically, obstruction due to poor blood or Qi flow. Boosting both is the Houston practitioner’s goal.

San Leng (bulrush root) is a popular herb used for ovarian cysts, as it’s effective at fortifying the liver and spleen – both of which are closely tied to women’s reproductivity in Chinese medicine. The liver is responsible for maintaining blood quality while the spleen handles the Qi. By boosting liver and spleen function, San Leng is ideal for breaking up blood stasis and improving Qi flow. Over time, this will reduce the risk of developing cysts, as well as the size of any cysts that do form. Contact your Houston practitioner today to see how they can help.

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