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Recurrent Urinary Pain, Hai Jin Sha and Jin Qian Cao

Recurrent urinary pain is often explained away as recurring urinary tract infections, but UTI treatment doesn’t always seem to resolve the pain. These patients may be diagnosed with recurrent urinary pain even without an obvious underlying cause – pain that may flare up at times and calm at others.

Western physicians frequently prescribe antibiotics to combat what appear to be recurring UTIs, and this can exacerbate the problem. Chinese medicine practitioners take a different approach, often relying on alternative treatments like herbal therapies, including Hai Jin Sha and Jin Qian Cao.

What Causes Recurrent Urinary Pain in Chinese Medicine?

Chinese medicine practitioners recognize recurring urinary pain as a real medical condition, but instead of attributing the condition to bacterial infections, practitioners attribute it to heat and dampness.

In Chinese medicine, heat and dampness are described as pathologies – the result of dysfunction in the body or resulting from environmental factors. In the case of recurring urinary pain, heat and dampness may gather in the bladder or kidneys, which interferes with how the body processes fluids.

How Can Hai Jin Sha and Jin Qian Cao Help with Recurrent Urinary Pain?

The goal for practitioners is to resolve excess heat and dampness, thereby restoring proper function in the bladder and kidneys.

One way to do this is with herbal therapies, including a popular herbal formulation that includes Hai Jin Sha and Jin Qian Cao.

Hai Jin Sha is a cold, sweet herb that enters the bladder when administered. Once it reaches its target, The herb is effective at clearing excess heat and preventing urinary blockages. For this reason, Hai Jin Sha is also used for biliary stones, commonly known as gallstones.

Jin Qian Cao is another sweet and cold herb that enters the bladder when administered. It also targets the kidney and clears excess heat and dampness from both organs. Jin Qian Cao is a known diuretic that has been used to treat urinary tract stones for centuries.

Together, these herbs can help many of the underlying conditions resulting in recurring urinary pain, including unregulated heat and dampness. Those suffering with recurrent urinary pain should consider speaking with a Chinese medicine practitioner to discuss options for relief.

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